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Know who you're hiring by collecting accurate candidate data upfront.

Colleagues Having Lunch

Why Identity Background Checks Matter

With thousands of data breaches happening every year, identity theft and fraud are a real concern. Companies need more confidence than ever that their candidates are who they say they are.


There’s a common misconception that background checks automatically verify candidate's identity. Most background checks depend on manually entered information such as a correct date of birth and complete name. Intentional or accidental errors can go undetected and lead to incorrect background check results. Identity verification is designed to bridge this gap by improving the accuracy of candidate-provided data

40% of data breaches involved personal data, such as names, phone numbers, and physical addresses

ID Document Verification

Scan, verify, and parse document images using machine vision to extract content, leveraging a proprietary database of rules and AI to verify document authenticity.

Biographic Data Verification

Verify a candidate’s biographic information, such as name, address, and other identifying information, against credit bureau records.

Gaining a deep understanding the problems that customers face is how you build products th
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